3 Title Tips to Entice Readers to Sign Up for Your Freebie

By Lisa Nelson  |  Social Media

An important piece of being successful online is the ability to “grow your list”. Most people on the web do not make a purchase the first time they see you or come across your website. They need to hear from you repeatedly so they get to “know, like, and trust” you. Then they’ll be ready to buy.

However, if all you have is a web page with no way to bring people back….how are you going to contact someone more than once?

So, you need a landing page that offers an enticing “freebie” in exchange for their name and email. Then, you can follow up with them on a regular basis, continue to showcase your expertise, and the services you provide.

If you are not familiar with landing pages, please review this information:

What is a landing page?

One decision you have to make with a landing page is what to offer. Will it be a free report (pdf download), audio education (mp3 file), video training, combination of one of these three? You have many options and need to decide the format.

However, the format is not necessarily what is going to make the biggest impact on whether or not you get people taking you up on your offer.

You need an enticing freebie title! There are so many newsletters, tip series, etc out there on the web…why is yours any different? Why MUST I have it right now? What will I gain by giving you my name/email and adding to the number of emails I already receive?

Here are three tips when writing your freebie title:

1. Promise a Desired Benefit

What does your target market want most? Some of the best titles promise to solve a problem or achieve a desired goal.

2. Give Specifics

Potential readers want to know they aren’t getting “fluff”. Something as easy as adding a number can add credibility, such as “Top 10 Ways to….”.

3. Target the Right Audience

Never try to appeal to everyone. You need to know your target market and make sure your freebie title addresses them specifically. An example of a title that addresses a specific audience: “6 Simple Steps to a 6 Figure Solo Business”. Target audience = solo business owners.

Now, after you decide a title it’s not set in stone. You need to get it up, get it out there, and watch the results. If it doesn’t work you try something else. It may take some trial and error before finding the best title to appeal to your target audience.

And then don’t forget to deliver on what you promised! The whole point of the freebie is so readers/listeners come to value you as a reliable source of information and are willing to take out their credit card and purchase at some point.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson

4 thoughts on “3 Title Tips to Entice Readers to Sign Up for Your Freebie

  1. mary purdy

    Love these ideas!! Thanks so much!

    Right now, I’m trying to understand how it is that by signing up they GET this free item: pdf, etc? In what format does it get delivered to them? Is there some program that automatically generates a PDF file if they sign up for something? I have constant contact but am not sure how to give the potential customer the free offer that I am pitching.

    Thanks again, Mary Purdy, MS RD

  2. Lisa Nelson RD Post author

    Hi Mary,

    Glad to hear these tips were useful to you! An example of how they get the “freebie”….

    Let’s say you write a series of 10 tips in a Word document. You would save the file as a pdf or you could use a free pdf converter (search google) to create the pdf. Then upload the pdf to your web host. If your website is a WordPress website, you’d upload it as a new media file and grab the url for where the file is located on your site. Then in your list management service (ie Constant Contact) you update your welcome message to reflect how to access the free gift. This is typically a simple thank you for signing up and use the link below to access your tip series followed by the url for the pdf you uploaded to your website.

    Does that make sense?

    All the best,
    Lisa Nelson RD

  3. Kenn Schroder (web designer for coaches)

    Hi Lisa.

    The part about “specifics”, I agree is a way to entice people. I refer to it as the “mystery element” … which are the specifics they need to find inside the article. This gets them to click and read.

    I wrote an article on titles as well, How to Turn a Ho Hum Freebie into a Must Have Now, here:


    PS – Great to have discovered your site and blog.

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