After (or even before) you set up your social media profiles you need to develop a strategy for how you will utilize social media to grow your business. Part of the strategy is to implement content marketing where you are consistently and regularly sharing your knowledge, highlighting your area of expertise so when they need the service you provide they know exactly who to contact… you.
One overwhelming piece that goes with managing social media profiles is the amount of content you must produce. For example, the Twitter platform moves quickly. Some recommend you share one or more tweets every hour. Facebook and Google+ are more reasonable at around two updates daily, with LinkedIn being once a day… BUT this is day after day, week after week, month after month…. It can get to be overwhelming.
You can share great content with your fans and followers that is not always your own. You will still become recognized as an expert in your area, but you will also be recognized as a valuable resource.
So, how do you find great, engaging content that is quick and easy to share with your fans and followers?
#1 ContentGems
I’ve been using ContentGems for several months now and it has worked well for what I need. ContentGems monitors online sources, including news sources, blogs, and social media accounts, and will filter results based on keywords you set. You can then scroll the results and schedule the updates to send directly from ContentGems or using a third party platform, such as Hootsuite.
In case it’s useful, I’ve recorded a quick video showing how I use it:
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