3 Steps to Increase Productivity and Get More Done

By Lisa Nelson  |  Business Manager, Project Management

increase productivity
I’ve been in this vicious cycle lately. Lots of great ideas I want to implement, but I’ve been so busy working IN my business I haven’t had time to work ON my business.

I enjoy the clients I support, but I also enjoy the creative side of running a business. I must consistently come back and remind myself to implement these three strategies to increase productivity and consistently grow my business every day.

As we discuss each strategy, my reference to a “to-do” list does not encompass all the tasks/work/email conversations you are performing for clients. I am referring to the tasks you need (or want!) to complete to further grow and develop your business.

#1 Start the day WITHOUT email.

Do NOT start your day by opening your email inbox. Instead, dedicate the first hour of each day to working on your business.

The minute you open your email inbox you can be sucked down various rabbit holes and before you know it the day is ending and you completed nothing on your business to do list.

Do not have your email inbox as the home page of your internet browser. Instead, have your calendar as the home page. Review your tasks and activities for the day and select one or two business tasks you can complete. Complete those tasks, remove them from the to-do list, and then open your email inbox.

Examples of tasks you could complete without distraction…

1. Write a blog post
2. Write and send a newsletter
3. Record a teleclass
4. Research and outline a program module
5. Reach out to potential clients to schedule a strategy session (May require email, so approach cautiously… will need to implement blinders if you enter your email inbox!)

This is not a time to multi-task. One hour of dedicated work. One task at a time.

#2 Maintain an organized to-do list.

A never ending to do list is just a fact of life. You will always have something you need to do. However, everything on that list is not critical right now.

If you want to be productive and efficient you need an organized system. A bunch of post-it notes, plus notes on your phone, plus notes in various emails, and so on isn’t going to cut it.

One location.
Everything listed.
Easy drag and drop feature to reorganize
Quick access for adding/deleting

Have a consistent, easy to manage location where you keep track of all to do’s. I manage tasks via project management systems and google calendar. Google calendar is my hub.

Maybe you need to start your productivity journey with one hour tomorrow morning getting yourself organized. :)

Once you can see everything you need to do, you assess and move the three highest priorities to the top of your list. Focus at least the first hour of every day on these top priorities. Once complete, reassess priorities and move on to the next set.

#3 Break down big tasks into smaller steps.

Some tasks will be on the to-do list for months. This isn’t necessarily bad, but if you have something hanging over your head and causing your anxiety because it isn’t done, stop and assess the task.

Is the task too big and daunting? If so, breaking it down into smaller steps will allow you to move forward.

For example, “host a webinar on xyz” is a big task. I’m speaking from experience on this task. This has been hanging over my head and causing me angst for a few months now. I finally dug in and broke it down into smaller chunks and I’m seeing the light. For example, individual components would be…

1. Research and select webinar platform
2. Write webinar opt-in page copy
3. Create webinar script
4. Create webinar slides
5. Write reminder emails

You get the point. Big projects need to be broken down to make them more manageable. Plus, I’m all about checklists and I’m happiest when I can check a task off as done!

Increase productivity and get more done

Where do you struggle? Do you have any great strategies you implement to consistently stay on track?

All the best,
Lisa Nelson

  • Are you losing dollars and missing opportunities?

    As a project manager, I take the day-day project management pieces off my clients plate, freeing up their time to convert new clients, create new programs, and frankly...just show up and do what they’re good at.