Are you using the right business systems?

By Lisa Nelson  |  Business Manager

business-systemsBe sure you select a system for where you want to go and not necessarily where you are right now.

I’ve heard these “words of wisdom” from various sources in the business world. I’ve always struggled to fully accept this way of thinking.

You want to make sure the systems you use to run your business do not hinder your business growth. True. BUT you also want to manage your finances wisely and committing to high monthly overhead costs while building up your client base might be foolish…especially if you have a large learning curve when it comes to your target market, marketing strategies, what works/what doesn’t. It could be a chunk of time before your monthly income covers your overhead costs…let alone leaves you money to live on.

Plus, as a business develops, it evolves. When you are just getting started the vision you have for your business could do a complete 360. If you select a system for where you want to be…it may not be the right system in the end.

The systems you need will change as your business grows.

When getting started you can often successfully combine two or three platforms to meet your needs while you learn how online marketing works, such as Mailchimp or Aweber for list management paired with PayPal for ecommerce. All low cost investments that are manageable while sales and marketing strategies start to build.

Now, your business will reach a stage where you are ready to up level and you should step back and really look at your business systems first.

Is it time for a change?

Do you need more functionality…affiliate program, automatic marketing system based on subscriber actions, more robust follow-up system or client management?

Or you may find what you have is really all you need. Don’t assume you MUST pay for a high dollar system simply because you have a thriving business. Also, don’t automatically purchase what everyone else is using. Investigate and purchase what is right for your business and your long term goals.

For a good year or more I’ve been itching to upgrade to Office Auto Pilot. I’ve utilized the system when working with various clients. I love the bells and whistles of what you can do. I WANT it! However, I always step back and look at my business…where do sales come from, what is my current follow-up system, do I need to change it to bring in more revenue? I always come back to the same answer, no. I want it, but I don’t NEED it.

Your systems are the foundation of your business. You want a solid foundation. This is not the place to try and cut corners to save a few dollars.

Invest wisely.

Step back and look at your systems…

What do you use for list management? Is it working well? If you want your business to grow, do you need a new system?

What do you use for ecommerce? Again, is it working? Do you need a system that works better in order to reach your business goals?

With the right systems (and depending on your business), you should see…

  • Daily new subscribers
  • Systematic marketing
  • Timely client follow-up
  • $’s made “while sleeping”

If your systems are not working, it’s time to investigate and invest in the right option(s).

Poor systems equal a poor foundation equaling lost $’s, dissatisfied customers, and struggles growing your business.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson

P.S. When analyzing your systems and business needs, ask yourself, “Is it a system I can use?” Meaning, do you have the technical skills needed to jump in and make an edit? Could you set up and send a quick email if needed? This post script is geared towards InfusionSoft, which is a robust system meeting many business needs. Great if you have a skilled team that supports you and you do NOT need to use the system yourself. More challenging if you like to be hands on and struggle with tech.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at